Inquiry 2019 – WRITING in Year 1
Data from 2018 shows that, by the end of 2018 at Pt England School, 91 students had reached six years of age and had been tested using the Six Year Net. In Writing Vocab, 2 children had written more than 60 words in a ten minute time-frame. Most (59) wrote less than 20, with 47 of those writing less than 10 words. 16 students got stanine 5 or above, which means 73 children got stanine 4 or less.
In Hearing and Recording Sounds, our results in 2018 were comparative to 2017’s, but there were 3 or 4 students less reaching stanine 7 (though 1 child got to stanine 8). 19 students recorded a stanine of 5 and above, 72 were stanine 4 or less.
We need to see a lot more children reaching stanine 5 and above in all areas of Literacy, but I shall be focusing on Writing.
This year I have 9 students whose 5 week SEA was completed last year, and 5 students who will undergo the SEA shortly. I will be keeping data on SEA scores and then record their progress throughout the year (probably twice a term).
What is my goal:
Students normally are tested just after their 6th birthday, and In order for them to reach a stanine 5 in word writing, they need to write 37-49 words in ten minutes. That’s my initial goal. In Hearing and Recording Sounds, a stanine five is reached when 33-35 sounds are recorded, and 22 students wrote only 10 or fewer sounds.
What I intend to do:
Obviously there needs to be intentional focus on letter sounds, high frequency words and building confidence in writing. I will be focusing on these areas, though I do not have a planned programme as yet.