Thursday, 1 June 2017

Aiming Higher

Yesterday I began implementing my plan to ensure all of my students experienced success.  The morning began by asking a child to show us how good he was at making paper planes.  (I'd seen him make a great one the previous week).  He did an excellent job and we clapped him and told him how amazing he was.  He sat down, absolutely thrilled at what he'd done, and at the response to his work.  He felt fabulous!  In my mind I gave myself a pat on the back for a job well done.  I turned my back for a few seconds and, next thing you know he’s in tears!!  Apparently there was a bit of tongue poking and retaliation going on between him and another child.  So then, not only him, but the other child are both crying!!  There goes my perfect start to a great day!  Oh well – thankfully the success of the plan does not rest on a one-day situation.  There are plenty more days for success to be achieved. 😀 

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