Friday, 30 June 2017

Digital Immersion 8 23 June

Digital Immersion  8    23 June

It’s been another great day with James and Dorothy.  We took a bit of time revisiting our class sites and sharing the changes we had made after last week’s critiques.

Dorothy did a session on Empowerment for learners and teachers.

We looked at how we could improve the Explain Everything Databases and then spent some time creating a site using the New Google Site.  Here’s a screenshot of one I did, and it didn’t take long at all!

We’re all gearing up for our Google exam next Friday.  I can feel a bit of studying will need to be done before the test (sometime in between report writing, perhaps).

Our day ended with a lesson on how to green-screen for a movie (something I was really keen to learn).  Dorothy made it seem so easy and do-able in the class, that I’m definitely will be giving it a go soon.

Today was our last day with James (boo hoo)😢 .  He's off to the UK next week - lucky him!!  Safe travels, James.  Have a fabulous time back in the old country.  We'll miss that special accent of your!

We have only one more week of getting together – and then our Fridays will be back in the class with our gorgeous kids, and we wont have quite the same access to the wonderful learning we've had this term!

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