Friday, 19 May 2017

Digital Immersion  3  19.5.17(I didn't attend number 2)

Whew!!  What a log of new learning we (well, I) had today.

It began with a look a reminder that creativity is one of the six 'C's of education in the 21st Century

Critical Thinking  

It is through creativity that students will gain purpose for their learning. I have been challenged to make sure I plan for creativity, and not simply have children 'working'. Sounds like they might have more fun!! 😃

Mail. It's something I go into umpteen times a day, and yet I'd never every realised that there was so much I was missing. Today I got to change the look of my gmail page, make labels, and...oh - instead of writing it all out - here's what was covered -

Mail in your Browser
  • Undo Send and the settings menu
  • Hide/Mute/Delete and the outcomes
  • Searching and organising
  • From: To: Sent:
  • Labels and filters
  • Configure inbox view (settings/inbox)
  • Labs- reading pane options
  • Labs- Mail notification
  • Chat
Mail App
  • Layout and differences
  • Moving between inboxes in one app
  • Searching, sending and attaching.
  • Starring- why?
  • Hamburgers or Sausages

  • Simple event creation
  • Inviting others
  • Link creation
  • Adding notes
  • Send to calendar App
  • Changing the view
  • Repeating events
  • Connecting to apple mail
  • Sharing and accessing the calendars’ of colleagues
Calendar App
  • Views
  • Alerts
  • Accessing others’ calendars

After this, we were introduced to Google Keep - another great app.  There are a lot of nifty uses for this amazing app, and I can see that I'm going to have to spend some quality time looking back at what we did today to ensure that I use the new learning I'm getting.

It was a challenging (for me) day, but I love being exposed to new things.  This 'Learn' part of our pedagogy is great, and will do my best to see the 'Create, Share' aspects become a visible part of my own teaching (and learning) practise. Thanks Dorothy and James for sharing your expertise, and for patiently helping the more digitally-challenged of us!  Roll on Week 4!


  1. Trish you are amazing. Your positive approach to new learning and problem solving is a delight. Thanks so much for your contributions to this professional learning group

  2. Wow! What a detailed post, your notes are fab. It was good to connect via hangout today and I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to do so. I hope some of the tools modelled lead to a more streamlined workload for you.

    Thanks for sharing your reflection and learning.


  3. Hi Trish,
    I can really relate to your experiences at Digital Immersion. I agree Google Keep is a really useful tool. I would love to see more about how you will incorporate more opportunities to 'create' in your classroom.
